Bowles_3.4_wine_rocks: Achieving Harmony Between Model and Data

Listing 3-3: Forward Stepwise Regression: Wine Quality Data—

  • Figure 3-13: Wine quality prediction error using forward stepwise regression
  • Listing 3-4: Forward Stepwise Regression Output—fwdStepwiseWineOutput.txt
  • Figure 3-14: Actual taste scores versus predictions generated with forward stepwise regression
  • Figure 3-15: Histogram of wine taste prediction error with forward stepwise regression

Listing 3-5: Predicting Wine Taste with Ridge Regression—

  • Figure 3-16: Wine quality prediction error using ridge regression
  • Listing 3-6: Ridge Regression Output—ridgeWineOutput.txt
  • Figure 3-17: Actual taste scores versus predictions generated with ridge regression
  • Figure 3-18: Histogram of wine taste prediction error with ridge regression

Listing 3-7: Rocks Versus Mines Using Ridge Regression—

  • Listing 3-8: Output from Classification Model for Rocks Versus Mines Using Ridge Regression—classifierRidgeRocksVMinesOutput.txt
  • Figure 3-19: AUC for the rocks-versus-mines classifier using ridge regression
  • Figure 3-20: Plot of actual versus prediction for the rocks-versus-mines classifier using ridge regression