Looking at Erica's modelling Olivia, an experienced ontology engineer, recognizes several problems.

  • Erica's model is perfectly fine in pure RDF; however, if the ontology is meant to load into a reasoner it sometimes becomes a problem that the complexity of the ontology is equivalent to OWL full. (In fact Erica utilized a problem solution which is broadly discussed under the title "Representing Classes As Property Values on the Semantic Web", c.f. http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-classes-as-values )
  • Additionally Erica in fact provides not much more than a fact box plus a trivial taxonomy of artefacts.

This is the resulting ontology: PDK_OwlDLP_slides

Document hasKeyword Keyword

ex#Document [ ex#hasKeyword *=> ex#Keyword ] .

ex#Keyword [] .

ex#Book :: ex#Document .

turtle: ex#Book rdfs:subClassOf ex#Document .

ex#Story :: ex#Document .

turtle: ex#Story rdfs:subClassOf ex#Document .

Keyword broaderKeyword Keyword

As opposed to the OWL Full model above we here have modelled the keywords as instances of the the class keyword.

  • The translation concept tree 2 skos tree can be done in OBL automativally with a rule.