- semAuth: The semantic authoring tool
- Example Ontologies
Articles on semAuth
- Literate Ontology Engineering with semAuth
- FAQ: Author a Tractatus with semAuth?
ISWC 2011: Semantic Authoring with semAuth
- What is semAuth?
- SemAuth also is a fully fledged methodology.
- Example: Authoring an ontology with semAuth
- Example: authoring text and RDFa
- Applications of semAuth
- Semantische Modelle mit Mindmaps
- Sitemap
- Index
SemAuth opens a new paradigm to author simultaneously structured text and semantic models .
It allows to author from within one single, overall knowledge representation
- an ontology and it's html documentation
- schema, instances and (F-logic) rules
- html structures like p, li, h1..h6 - freely 2b divided up into a tree of documents
- embedded RDFa and Google microdata
We abstract from specific syntax details of formats like turtle, F-Logic (Ontoprise: Object Logic) or RDFa. Instead semAuth inserts an additional visual layer between enduser and ontology language.
SemAuth supports the user in all stages of ontology engineering:
- brainstorming and collecting ideas
- associating, ordering and sorting
- formalizing and modelling as classes, instances etc.
- exporting to RDF and F-logic
- refacturing e.g. class trees as trees of instances (e.g. of skos:Concept)