- semAuth: The semantic authoring tool
- Example Ontologies
Articles on semAuth
- Literate Ontology Engineering with semAuth
- FAQ: Author a Tractatus with semAuth?
ISWC 2011: Semantic Authoring with semAuth
- What is semAuth?
- SemAuth also is a fully fledged methodology.
- Example: Authoring an ontology with semAuth
Example: authoring text and RDFa
- Syntax tags
- XML tags
- RDFa annotated html documents are ontologies
- Applications of semAuth
- Semantische Modelle mit Mindmaps
- Sitemap
- Index
The syntax tag "D" defines documents
each document
- has an URI
- generates a retrievable RDF graph
- format: RDFa
semantically tagged nodes without a corresponding "D" tag go
- into the predefinded graph (RDF ontology) "idx.html"
- into well defined OBL files
This is the core of semantic authoring: Manage simultaneously in one mindmap
- generation of semantic code: OBL, RDFa triples
management of files
- html+RDFa
- generation of freely defined, nicely templated html code