- semAuth: The semantic authoring tool
Example Ontologies
- Persons, Documents, Keywords (PDK)
- Ernie puts the toys into groups
- Ich sah den Mann auf dem Berg mit dem Fernrohr
minimalistic demo: Candy eats carrots
- Candy eats carrot aBoxOnly
- Candy eats carrot aBox plus tBox
- Candy eats carrot aBoxTbox plus rdfTypeEntailmentRule
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Adding a F-Logic / Object Logic / RDF type entailment rule for ranges:
Loading the exported ontology into Ontoprise OntoStudio 3.1.1. shows one instance of "Food". After rule materialization the class "Food" cas two more instances.
ex#Groovy [ ex#eats -> ex#grass ] .
ex#Candy [ ex#eats -> ex#apple ] .
ex#Candy [ ex#eats -> ex#carrot ] .
ex#Animal [ ex#eats *=> ex#Food ] .
ex#Food [] .
turtle: ex#Groovy rdf:type ex#Animal .
] and
[] and
] .