# Sphinx autodoc Problem: * You have added docstrings to a `*.py` file, and you want them included in this documentation. Solution: Jupyterbook is a frontend to Sphinx. We simply have to tell Sphinx to autodoc our Python file. Happily sphinx autodoc is already installed by default. (1) Extend the config-file `_config.py`: ``` sphinx: extra_extensions: - sphinx.ext.autodoc local_extensions: add-dot-to-path : '.' ``` (2) Problem left over: How to tell Sphinx the location of the `*.py` file? (We have to update the `sys.path` variable. We assume for simplicity that the `*.py` file resides in the `.` (DOT) directory.) Simply put the follwing trivial file `add-dot-to-path.py` (yes, indeed only one line) to the `.` (DOT) directory: ``` def setup(app): ... ``` This extension does nothing - but as a side effect this "will [...] update the sys.path so the local extension can be found." . For an explanation in detail see {doc}`d_add-dot-to-path`. (3) To ask Sphinx do autodoc a module: ```` ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: hello :members: ``` ```` Result: c.f. {doc}`ar_autodoc`.