# cosine text similarity Since cosine text similarity is a very common topic, there already should be very good videos available. We give here some recommendations for didactical videos explaining cosine text similarity. * [Minsuk Heo 허민석: How to measure similarity in vector space (cosine similarity)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY3jrJdpuQg): Introduce Euclidean Distance and Cosine similarity with easy example for easy understanding to NLP (natural language processing) deep learning students. (4:16) * [Cosine similarity, cosine distance explained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_CooIRM3UI): (14:27) Cosine similarity, cosine distance explained in a way that high school student can also understand it easily. If you have aspirations of becoming a data scientist, you must know these two concepts. I will explain cosine similarity using a real life simple example and then we will write code in python using sklearn library. * [Francisco Iacobelli: Cosine Similarity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lvS8078ykA): Introduction to document similarity using document x term matrices. I'll introduce intuitions and end with cosine similarity as a better measure for similarity. (23:31) Erklärungen incl. Transkript: * [Feature Extraction from Text (USING PYTHON)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YacOe4XwhY) (14:29) * [NLP: Understanding the N-gram language models](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiyMGBuu45w) (10:32): incl. transkript Vom Wort zum Topic: * [ Minsuk Heo 허민석: Latent Semantic Analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvzJiur55vo): Understand LSA (a.k.a LSI) for topic modeling and topic similarity.