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Get in contact: Use github

NOTE 2021-03-18: Not relevant any more.

Make sure that you work with the latest version of this documentation. Navigate into our course directory:

cd ~/dsci/dsci-lab

Note: You can type in above command manually. You also want to try:

  • Copy the command from firefox (use Strg-C) and paste it into the terminal (in the terminal use Strg-Shift-V).

  • Try also to hit the Cursor-UP key repeatedly to select the command from the command-history.

Pull the latest version of this site from github.com:

git pull

Note: You don’t have to specify the location where to pull the content from, because this information already is given in the file .git/config within the directory ~/dsci/dsci-lab. And you don’t have to give credentials, because this repository is public on GitHub.